Board of Trustees

These generous and committed volunteers help set the strategic vision for The Common School as well as oversee its financial management, fundraise, and select and evaluate its leadership. If you are interested in serving on the Board or in volunteering your time in other ways, please contact the Vice Chair of the Board at

The Board of Trustees is a group of volunteers responsible for a wide range of functions necessary for the continued operation of the School.  These duties include overseeing the school’s financial management, instituting and promoting major fundraising for the school, supporting, evaluating and working with the Head of School, communicating with the school community regarding the work of the Board, setting strategic vision, annually assessing the Board's effectiveness and performance, and working on improving and expanding the skills, experience, and knowledge of Trustees. 


For more information about The Board of Trustees, please see our Frequently Asked Questions.

2024-2025 Board of Trustees

  • Rosemary Agoglia – Board Chair, Chair of Executive Committee, Alum Caregiver, Former Faculty

  • Anna Coldham – Vice-Chair, Alum ’91, Current Caregiver

  • Orlee Marini-Rapoport – Secretary, Alum ’13

  • Sarah Zelechoski – Co-Treasurer, Chair of Finance Committee, Current Caregiver

  • Brian Katzman – Co-Treasurer, Current Caregiver

  • Anuj Pradhan – Member-at-Large, Alum Caregiver

  • Buffy Aries – Chair of Trusteeship Committee, Alum Caregiver

  • Ana Guimil – Co-Chair Equity and Inclusion Committee, Current Caregiver

  • Lee Tae Cobb – Co-Chair Equity and Inclusion Committee, Alum ‘00

  • Anthony Prinzivalli – Chair of Advancement Committee, Alum ’02

  • Emma O’Neal – General Trustee, Current Caregiver

  • Allana Jackson – General Trustee, Current Caregiver

  • Shuo Peskoe-Yang – General Trustee, Current Caregiver

  • Corinne Fogg – General Trustee

  • Mika Hoffman – General Trustee, Alum ’76

  • Cathy Cohen – General Trustee, Alum Caregiver, Former Board Chair

  • Emily MacDonald – Faculty Representative

2024-25 Advisors to the Board of Trustees

Advisors to the Board are individuals with skills, knowledge, and life experiences that are needed to supplement those of the current Trustees in a given year. Advisors to the Board perform the following types of activities on a volunteer basis: (1) Reviewing and providing feedback on policy and other Board or school documents; (2) Brainstorming with and/or advising committee chairs or Board officers; and/or (3) Connecting Board members with other experts in the field. The Board is very grateful to the following Advisors for volunteering their time this year! 

Julli Jaramillo – Alum Caregiver, Trustee 2018-2024

Katie Poff – Alum ‘00, Trustee 2023-2024


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging as the Cornerstone to the Work of the Board

As outlined in its Statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, The Common School has made a strong commitment to being a place where everyone feels valued.  We believe a diversity of identities, life experiences, and perspectives is essential for wholly realizing and fulfilling our responsibilities as a Board of Trustees. 

When we are a group of people with diverse backgrounds who feel supported and empowered to participate fully, the Board of Trustees can: 

  • Gain a holistic and nuanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the school; 

  • Ask the breadth of questions that lead to creative ideas and informed analysis of solutions; and 

  • Build partnerships that strengthen our mission. 


Therefore, the Board is committed to: 

  • The identities of trustees reflecting the diversity of identities within the school community;

  • Continual examination and improvement to internal practices, structures, and resources in order to remove unintended barriers to participation; 

  • Ensuring that all trustees are equitably engaged and invested, sharing power and responsibility for the Board’s work;

  • Ongoing discussion and training to support the development and leadership of all trustees; and

  • Being a place where all Trustees can voice their opinions and thoughts productively. 


Why do people join The Common School Board of Trustees? 

A variety of reasons, often multiple, bring people to the Board. Reasons shared include: 

  • Wanting to make a significant contribution to an organization dedicated to progressive education with a deep commitment to social justice and the environment; 

  • Building finance and/or other leadership skills to further professional goals; 

  • Looking for a way to apply professional skills and/or life experiences to a mission-driven organization;

  • Having a sense of purpose and living their values through community service; 

  • Being part of a collaborative team working to figure out solutions to nuanced problems;

  • Being lifelong learners and getting energy from learning and growing; and 

  • Wanting to give back to an organization that impacted them in significant ways. 


As with many things, what a person gets out of being on the Board is driven in large part by what they put in. Engaged participation in and contributions to the work of the Board and its committees result in personal growth and the satisfaction derived from making a significant difference in furthering the mission of the school. 


Interested in Volunteering?

If you are interested in serving on the Board or in volunteering your time in other ways, please contact the Board at:   


Click here to view the Personal Statement Form those interested in joining the Board must complete as part of the nomination process.  Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you!